ALL ENTRIES TAKEN FROM THE AUTHOR'S WORK, WHAT IF GOD...? Thought-Provoking Reflections About God (Click on title for more information) |
The Destruction of the Canaanites David's Punishment for the Census
For hundreds of years after Adam’s creation humanity pursued a course of rebellion set by the two first humans. Sin abounded on the earth but God did not intervene. After a long period of time, “…the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great upon the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6: 5). And God concluded that mankind did not deserve to exist any longer and thus the fatal verdict: “I will destroy them with the earth” (V. 6). But eight people found favor in God’s eyes: Noah, his wife, his three children and their wives. Thus the human race was kept from total destruction, and we are here today as a result of the righteousness of the few, but, most of all, as a result of God’s endless mercy. What if God had not spared Noah and his family? What if God had simply said: “Enough with these incorrigible humans; no more time will be wasted on them; I will destroy them all, once and for all”? Needless to say, if this had been God’s verdict, the plan of God involving humans would have ended then and there, the rest of human history would have never taken place and we would have never had a chance to exist, let alone long for eternal life. But God did spare a seed in Noah and his children, and He did go on with His plan that later involved His son’s coming to earth and His death for all of humanity. God and Christ must have a very special love for this trying species called humanity, as both would have had a perfect excuse to scrap the plan and, therefore, not allow Christ to suffer all the agony he was destined to suffer. Had Christ not been filled with unending love as He is, He would have had a perfect opportunity to push for a “let’s-forget about-it” approach so as to spare Himself the humiliation and the agony He was to endure thousands of years later. The fact that both the Father and the Son did not scrap the human plan, but protected Noah and his family from total obliteration, is another stunning proof that God the Father and Christ are totally committed to bringing their plan for humanity to completion. There is, therefore, no doubt that, no matter what the impediments and barriers may be, God and Christ want humanity to inherit eternal glory and they are determined to do whatever it takes to make it come to pass. Their love for us is, indeed, infinite (Romans 8:31-39).